Giving financially is one of the ways we express our partnership together as a church family. Thank you for your generosity in supporting the work of All Saints here in Albion Park. We would love to give the next generation a thriving gospel church with first-rate facilities. Please help us write the next chapter of the All Saints story – our future – together.
Bank details for giving online
Name: Albion Park Anglican Church
BSB: 641-800
Account no: 200780120
Alternative methods to support All Saints:
- Through cash at the deposit box in the main church foyer
- Through the “tap and go” in the main church foyer
Why Give?
We give because we belong. Giving to church is like saying “I am thankful to God and I trust him with my future. I’m excited to see the gospel go forth from this church, and I want to be part of it, and this is what God calls me to.”
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.2 Corinthians 9:7-8
Common Questions
Does the Diocese pay for ministers in church?
No. All Saints is responsible for all our income and spending. In fact, we give money to the diocese.
Do the ministers give?
Yes, because they belong too.
Who sets our budgets?
The Parish Council, together with the treasurer and senior minister set the budget and monitor spending. The church then approves the budget at the AGM.
How is our giving used?
The details are:
- Salaries for the ministry team including superannuation. The diocese sets out stipends for all ministry positions in the church.
- Ministry resources, administration and overhead costs for the site (power, maintenance, advertising, office costs and insurance).
- Diocesan contributions – this is money that is paid to fund the overhead of the Diocese and shared initiatives such as purchasing land for new churches.
- Mission – both local, national and international mission. You can find out more about who we support here.
Can I provide a tax-deductible donation?
Weekly giving is not tax deductible. There are some options that allow tax-deductible gifts. Contact the office for more information.
Can I make a bequest in my will?
Yes. This is a unique way of leaving a legacy to your church. See your solicitor for details.